College Logo

NVC Logo

We use one official logo, available in three color version: 3 colors (purple blue, and black), all black, and all white. No other colors are available. The official logo is horizontal.


Download Official 3-Color, All Black, and All White Logos (PNGs) here:
NVC Logo Downloads

Download Official Stationery and PowerPoint Templates here:
NVC Stationery and Template Webpage

Request other formats (PSD, AI, EPS):
MarComm Request Form


Official Logos


NVC Alternative Stacked Logo

For Limited Use. We have two alternative stacked versions, the NVC short-stacked logo and the NVC long-stacked logo. These are also available in 3 colors (purple, blue, and black), all black, and all white.


Download Official 3-Color, All Black, and All White Logos here:
NVC Logo Downloads

Request other formats (PSD, AI, EPS):
MarComm Request Form


Regular and Alternative (Stacked) Logos



Alamo Icon

The Alamo Icon is used for special cases such as official NVC social media and other very limited uses.

Do not use the Alamo icon alone, as part of a design/composition, or on social media without prior approval.




NVC Initiative and Anniversary Marks

These marks are provided by NVC MarComm for limited specific uses and in pre-designed templates available for download on AlamoShare (See webpage NVC Marketing, Advertixing & Media).

  1. Use this mark with, not in place of, the official NVC logo.
  2. Do not change the colors, shape, or text in the mark.
  3. Do not use after the discontinue date provided.
  4. Fill out the MarComm Request Form




District-wide or Multi-college Initiative Marks

Special identity marks that will be sent to District MarComm for design and/or approval of use.

If District MarComm does not accept the project, it reverts to an NVC Initiative Mark request.

Download Official Stationery and PowerPoint Templates here:
NVC Stationery and Template Webpage



MFY - Purple Text.png



Renata Serafin
Director of Marketing & Strategic Communications

Melissa Monroe-Young
Manager, NVC Marketing & Strategic Communications

MarComm Request Form (Click)