Promotional Items

Giveaways and other Printed Items for Promotion

NVC MarComm does not keep giveaways or branded gifts on hand and only orders enough items to fulfill specific event or college needs. We do help with placing our logo on items you propose to purchase.

We are currently working on a process for easy purchase of preapproved branded items. Watch for more information coming soon!

Reminder: The 3-color logo only goes on a white background. The black logo is for light background colors and the white logo is for dark background colors. For very limited uses, we can provide a color logo for dark backgrounds. Please indicate that you would like to ask about the NVC Reverse Logo when filling in the MarComm Request Form.


Include the official NVC logo, alternative stacked logo, or NVC logo with department on the sleeve, back of neck, or front pocket area.

NOTE: When using embroidery, the NVC logo with department will not fit on most shirts.

Solution: NVC official logo in right pocket area and department name in left pocket area. Be aware this will incur extra charges.

T-shirts with Logo on Sleeve

For Special Events, Programs, and Initiatives

Graphic design for the front or back of the shirt can be provided by NVC MarComm.

Graphics have specific uses and can’t be used in a logo-like manner or in place of the NVC logo.

A list of specific uses will be provided with each graphic and how the NVC logo can or cannot be used with it.

Small Giveaway Items

Items such as pens, thumb drives, chargers/cables, and other small giveaways need to have enough room for the NVC logo without any other text near the logo- unless it is the horizontal NVC logo with department name.

When choosing items, search for “large imprint” areas or items that can be printed on two sides, one side for the NVC logo and the other side for text. Don’t use other designs except approved identity marks for NVC or ACD.

Larger Giveaway Items

Items such as tote bags, backpacks, and pouches, and other larger giveaways usually have more room for the NVC logo and another approved identity mark or text. Don’t use other designs except approved identity marks for NVC or ACD.

Embroidered Items

Items with embroidery have specific letter heights and widths, especially for the letter “e”. When using the logo in a 3” to 4” imprint area, such as the size of the pocket area on a shirt, the logos that will fit are the official horizontal NVC logo and the stacked NVC logos. The NVC logo with department name will not fit.

These items need two imprint areas – the right pocket area for the logo and the left logo for the department name, or one side of a tote bag is the logo with the second side having the department name. This will incur extra charges.

NVC MarComm can help with placing items in imprint areas and will work with print vendors to make sure the logo and any other identity mark or text fit properly.

Questions About Other Printed Items

Need something else? Please fill out the MarComm Request Form



Renata Serafin
Director of Marketing & Strategic Communications

Melissa Monroe-Young
Manager, NVC Marketing & Strategic Communications

MarComm Request Form (Click)